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Artist's Statement

In my work, my pieces are influenced by my own personal experiences and interests. I have taken inspiration from my time traveling abroad primarily from the people I met while traveling and the places I went. My time in Scotland most heavily influences my work, specifically within this piece. Taking these experiences and placing them into my work reminds me of my time abroad which makes me nostalgic and helps encourage me to continue working and making more art. Another part of my personal life experiences that influence my work is what I like to call “the quiet parts of life”. After the chaos of the last few years, I’ve found myself seeking a feeling of peace and quiet within my art. I can’t control the chaos of the outside world, but I can control what I put into my art and what makes me happy with my art.

An interest of mine that influences my work is my interest and love of comics and graphic novels. I’ve loved reading my entire life and have loved the art that can be found within and on the covers of books. Works by Gabriel Picolo and Belén Ortega, two current comics artists I regularly follow the work of, have inspired me to pursue working in illustration, specifically within comics and graphic novels. The color palettes and drawing styles of these two artists have influenced how I approach my own work. The soft colors found in Gabriel Picolo’s work have specifically influenced my current work.

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